We have a large selection of catalogues from mojority our brand partners for you to view. Each catalogue contains detailed information and specifaction about individual paints, tools and other supplies.
Available catalogues

GLOSS Catalogue
GLOSS Product Catalogue With our focus on cost effective solutions for your business GLOSS provides range of tools and materials for Spray Applications. Spray guns

SOLL Catalogue
With almost 25 years of experience in automotive industry, the name SOLL become an image of reliability and quality. The entire range of materials have been carefully selected to meet the expectation for most demanding applications. The large number of professional users and business partners in the European Union benefits acknowledged high quality and ease of use of the materials SOLL.

ARS COLOR Catalogue
The range of material that offered by ARS COLOR is designed for small to medium projects of car body repairs. Having wide spectrum of materials from car body preparation to top coats the ARS COLOR provides cost effective solution to individual projects and small bodyshops.