MIPA Steinschlagschutz UBS is a durable corrosion protection for floor pans, entry sections and wheel houses. Excellent sound deadening properties, therefore this product is also suitable for car boots, bonnets and so on. Excellent adhesion, shock and scratch resistance, free from asbestos, fast drying, permanently elastic also in extreme temperature fluctuations, recoatable and after drying resistant to cold cleaner.
Spreading rate: 2,0 sqm/l (for 500 μm DFT) .
Application method Underbody Spray Gun
Flash-off time 5 – 8 min between coats
Drying time 20 °C 1 – 2 h
Dry Coat Thickness: 500 μm
VOC Regulation: EU limit value for this product (category B/e): 840 g/l This product contains max. 840 g/l of VOC.
Processing instructions:
The floor pan must be cleaned thoroughly and must be dry, free from dust, grease, oil and rust. Old non-adherent underbody coating must be removed. Mask beforehand motor, exhaust pipes, stub axles, cardan shaft and brake system as they must not be sprayed!